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The Story Told RPG Podcast

Jan 27, 2020

This episode is a guest interview special with both new and familiar voices talking all about villains in RPGs.

For Lee and the Role of the Dice Podcast, check out

For Buckle and the Uncanny Valley Podcast, check out

Want to join...

Jan 23, 2020

Join us on this extra special bonus episode where we talk to writer and developer Charlie Cantrell and his amazing conversion guide for Changeling the Dreaming called C5, bringing the c20 rules in line with the current iteration of the WoD as seen in V5. Links can be found below to connect you to Charlie, his work and...

Jan 20, 2020

The Dragon-Blooded face a threat to their chance for a peaceful resolution in Jiara.

You can find summarized details and character information on Obsidian Portal:

Session audio begins at 9:02

Some materials for play have been generously provided...

Jan 13, 2020

Writer and developer Vera Vartanian joins as a co-cost to talk about the Great Houses of the Realm for Exalted 3rd Edition. We benefit from her insight as one of the writers for What Fire Has Wrought and her enthusiasm as a longtime Exalted fan.

You can follow Vera on Twitter:

To help...

Jan 6, 2020

The Dragon-Blooded go to Daric to receive the prince's ambassador.

You can find summarized details and character information on Obsidian Portal:

Session audio begins at 9:02

Some materials for play have been generously provided by Onyx Path...