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The Story Told RPG Podcast

Nov 29, 2021

Logan and Griffin come to the table once again to continue last episodes conversation, this time it’s about Player or, PC goblins. 


Want to join the conversation? Join us on Discord: 

We are also affiliates with Metallic Dice Games: Follow this link:

Nov 22, 2021

The Dragon-Blooded gather in Parapet to prepare for the showdown with the forces of Thorns.

You can find summarized details and character information on Obsidian Portal:

Some materials for play have been generously provided by...

Nov 15, 2021

Logan and Griffin riff and ramble about those little “goblins” that infect our GM brains and cause anxiety/self-doubt. But also, and more importantly, how we combat them!

Want to join the conversation? Join us on Discord: 

We are also affiliates with Metallic Dice Games. Follow this link:

Nov 8, 2021

Cathak Shao-Dun and Tepet Sanzo face a fierce assailent as the woodland fills with smoke while Peleps Meara rushes to their aid.

You can find summarized details and character information on Obsidian Portal:

Some materials for play...

Nov 1, 2021

Logan and Griffin riff on the game In Nomine. If you aren’t familiar with the title, from Steve Jackson Games, all you need to know is that it is the righteous game of Glam Angels and Metal Demons!

Pick up the game here!

Want to join the conversation? Join us on Discord: 

We are also...