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The Story Told RPG Podcast

Jan 31, 2022

The main epilogue for the Fall of Jiara sets of the Dragon-Blooded on their path into the future.

Some materials for play have been generously provided by Onyx Path Publishing. Exalted 3rd Edition is available through DriveThru RPG:

Jan 17, 2022

In this first epilogue, each of the Dragon-Blooded writes a letter that shows where they're headed next.

Some materials for play have been generously provided by Onyx Path Publishing. Exalted 3rd Edition is available through DriveThru RPG:

  • Core Rules: 

Jan 3, 2022

We take some time to discuss the campaign and celebrate it's conclusion.

You can find summarized details and character information on Obsidian Portal:

Some materials for play have been generously provided by Onyx Path Publishing....