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The Story Told RPG Podcast

Jul 30, 2018

Join us for our first interview episode with Luka Carroll, writer and developer for Changeling the Dreaming.

You can follow him on his facebook page: 

You can find Changeling the Dreaming on DrivethruRPG:

Our music is composed by James Horan. To...

Jul 16, 2018

Join us for an overview of 7th Sea, a game of swashbuckling adventure set in a world that rhymes with our own of the 17th century.

7th Sea is produced by John Wick Presents, and is available from their online store or on DriveThru RPG. A base version of the game is available for free directly from John...

Jul 2, 2018

Welcome to the world of Tribe 8, a roleplaying game set in a tribal future where Player Characters are blessed with mystical insight and marked by destiny.

Tribe 8 is published by Dream Pod 9, and can be found on their website or on DriveThruRPG.

For our example character, we created Yuya of the Golden Wheel, Dahlian...