Nov 5, 2018
In this episode, we give our usual overview of a game, this time with a guest host! We hope you enjoy our ongoing coverage of Masks: A New Generation by Magpie Games.
You can find Steven Pope on Twitter and Instagram as @StevenJPope22, or follow him on Saving Throw:
You can find Masks A New Generation on Magpie's website: or on DriveThruRPG:
You can find Magpie Games on their website, as well as follow them on Facebook and Twitter:
Our music is composed by James Horan. To contact him regarding composition, send him an email:
To help support the show, share it, or rate and review on your podcast services of choice. We've also set up a Patreon page if you like to support us financially: We'll use your donations to pay our artist and cover the hosting costs for the show. For a one-time donation, you can use PayPal: